Project new books
The school library needs new books, and we need your help to make this happen.
We still need €1250 .
Will you help us? Every Euro is welcome and you can sponsor a book for just €10 !
NL 53 RABO 0341 5064 19 Attn. Friends of Kibera
About the library
The library contains reading books, but also books (by the
government prescribed) textbooks. Especially that last one
must be replaced regularly because the Kenyan
government is active when it comes to innovation
prescribed methods and components of subjects.
Because Oloo's school is not a recognized public school
they receive the renewal order, but no compensation.
Yet they want to keep up because they want children
prepare for the national primary exam
education that leads to the required paper for
further education (Kenya Certificate for Primary Education).
Children do not have any of the study books themselves
copies. These are only for the teachers. Children can
You can borrow books from the library, but these are mainly reading books.
At the start of the 2024 school year (school year is a calendar year), the school decided to invest extra in updating and expanding the library, especially in terms of method books. For the lower grades and the first three classes of primary education, this concerns the method books
(preparatory) arithmetic, exercise, environmental activities and visual arts education. For the highest three classes, books are also required for English, Kiswahli, technology, music and nutrition. They want more copies for the higher classes so that children can have a book in front of them at school. Purchasing the desired method books means 2,500 euros. As a Foundation, we were able to transfer half of this immediately. We use various channels such as social media to acquire the other half. This should still be possible in 2024. Last weekend we received a message that the first books had been purchased (see image on the right).